Protecting the values of Point Richards Flora and Fauna Reserve
Point Richards Flora and Fauna Reserve, located on Wadawurrung Country, is one of the largest areas of remnant native bushland and ephemeral wetlands on the northern Bellarine Peninsula, making a significant contribution to the biodiversity of the region.
We're working with the community, stakeholders and partner agencies to develop a comprehensive Management Plan for Point Richards Flora and Fauna Reserve.
The Management Plan will establish the vision, direction and objectives for Point Richards Flora and Fauna Reserve, providing strategic guidance for decision-making, investment and management approaches over the next 10-20 years.
Your insights and feedback will help shape future decision-making and plans for Point Richards Flora and Fauna Reserve.
Point Richards Flora and Fauna Reserve contains a variety of habitats that support local and migratory wildlife, making it a valuable environmental resource on the Bellarine Peninsula.
Conservation areas also protect cultural, historic and community values. With a no-dogs policy and low-key visitor infrastructure, the flora and fauna reserve provides a quiet space for passive recreation through the extensive trail network.
A passionate volunteer group, the Friends of Point Richards Flora and Fauna Reserve, was established more than 20 years ago and meets regularly to support Bellarine Bayside conservation staff with management activities.
Concern is increasing about the impacts of existing threats (weeds and pest animals) and emerging threats (climate change, surrounding development and social change) on the range of values within Point Richards Flora and Fauna Reserve.
The Management Plan will reinforce the important role of Point Richards Flora and Fauna Reserve as a place for conservation, visitor use and community involvement. It will celebrate and articulate the unique values, establish a long-term vision and provide considered and integrated management directives to ensure the Point Richards Flora and Fauna Reserve is protected now and into the future.
The scope of the Management Plan includes:
- Recognition of cultural values in line with Wadawurrung aspirations.
- Practical actions to be implemented that will protect and enhance the natural values.
- Consideration of low-impact and low-key facilities that enhance the visitor experience, including scoping options to provide an accessible experience (e.g. additional walking trails, bird hides, interpretive signage, another picnic area).
The scope of the Management Plan does not include:
- Additional significant visitor infrastructure (e.g. a toilet block).
- Changes to the existing dog, or other, regulations.
The management plan will:
- Establish a clear strategic long-term vision and direction for the future of the flora and fauna reserve.
- Clearly articulate the environmental, cultural and social values of the flora and fauna reserve.
- Acknowledge and address key threats that will influence the future management.
- Outline how current and future challenges and trends can be addressed.
- Outline opportunities to achieve broader outcomes with adjoining landowners and land managers.
- Ensure the community and stakeholders are involved throughout the project to help shape the final plan.
- Identify strategies, operational tactics and actions to implement in order to achieve the long-term vision of the plan.
The Management Plan will consist of a Strategic Management Plan and four Priority Operational Plans.
The overarching Strategic Management Plan will guide the vision and high-level aims and objectives for Point Richards Flora and Fauna Reserve with a 20-year outlook.
Four supporting Priority Operational Plans will be developed to assist with achieving the outcomes of the Strategic Management Plan. These four plans, for internal use by our conservation staff, will guide operational management approaches including actions, timing, resourcing and monitoring to manage key values and threats within Point Richards Flora and Fauna Reserve.
The focus of the four priority operational plans are:
- Wetlands (supporting growling grass frogs, other amphibian wildlife and birdlife).
- Integrated Pest Animal Management.
- Fire Management (including ecological burning).
- Biodiversity (threatened flora, revegetation and weed management).
How you can provide input
We will engage with the community during the development of the Management Plan to understand local values, experience, knowledge and ideas for Point Richards Flora and Fauna Reserve.
The first phase of community engagement will involve gathering community values, concerns and ideas along the coast through our "Planning Our Future Coast" project.
Have Your Say
Tell us more about your values, concerns and ideas via 'Planning Our Future Coast' - an integrated engagement project to help shape four key plans.
Fast facts
The Point Richards Flora and Fauna Management Plan is supported by the Victorian Government through the Coastal and Marine Management Plan Grants program.